Where STEM Learning Is A Team Sport

Where STEM Learning Is A Team Sport

“让我们去科技吧!这不仅仅是在esball国际平台客户端Cheel体育馆回响的战斗口号. It’s an innovative mindset. It’s an experiential learning philosophy. 他出生于大学的工程根基,并通过对曲棍球的热爱而得到培养, Let’s Go Tech is a mantra that’s quintessentially esball国际平台客户端.

由科技企业家肯·71年和格蕾丝·索林斯基发起的大学最大的定向财政承诺, 随着esball国际平台客户端联合投资8000万美元推进esball国际平台客户端工程和STEM的发展,Let 's Go Tech有了新的意义.

培养非常成功的工程师是esball国际平台客户端超过125年的标志. 学生将获得开始STEM职业所需的基础知识和实践经验,以及职业道德, grit and drive that propels their lifelong success.

In order for innovation to flourish, you have to create an environment where people feel empowered, where they can express ideas and have the freedom to move fast.”

Innovator and Entrepreneur Ken Solinsky '71, Founder of Insight Technology, Envision Technology and Onpoint Systems
Female student in lab.


Igniting the STEM Spark

教育应该是积极而有效的——一种将理论付诸实践的实践体验,让你为世界的运作做好准备. 要获得职业所需的技能和知识,没有比通过考试更好的方法了 .

A close partner with industries across the STEM disciplines, and 工程 in particular, esball国际平台客户端 knows what employers want and need. 它不断发展和扩大其计划,以超越这些期望. As you learn, you will discover how to work within a team. 您还将有机会探索自己的激情,同时推进自己的职业发展轨迹,并为复杂的全球挑战制定解决方案.

esball国际平台客户端 provides the equipment, 所有的学生——不仅仅是工程专业的学生——都可以通过资源和友好的竞争来学习, lead and launch their ideas. esball国际平台客户端点燃 -学生创新中心和一系列相关举措-推动课堂内外的创新.

esball国际平台客户端 University's ERC.

Annual President’s Challenge 是一个全校范围的竞赛,让学生跨学科合作,开发一个原型或概念,展示一个特定的创新解决方案, 现实世界的问题. 该大学全年还举办各种商业计划比赛.

多维数据集, 由希普利创新中心支持的学生创业加速器, provides enhanced support to esball国际平台客户端’s most motivated entrepreneurs. 团队申请并推销以确保在该项目中获得一席之地,该项目为学生创业提供启动资金. 

的 Dorf Makerspace is a hub for hands-on, physical creation with state-of-the-art equipment like 3D printers, a vinyl heat press machine, a glass fusing and soldering station, sewing and embroidery machines, laser engravers and 更多的.

Media Production Center provides resources for producing and editing visual and audio content, 包括照片, 视频, 音乐, podcasts and additional forms of digital media.

Innovation at Full SPEED

将学习付诸实践的最有趣和令人振奋的方法之一是通过esball国际平台客户端Student Projects for Engineering Experience & 设计(速度) program, which has maximal access to the state-of-the-art Student Prototyping Machine Shopesball国际平台客户端’s one-stop shop for design and fabrication needs.

每年, 数百名来自各个专业的esball国际平台客户端学生加入了13个SPEED团队中的一个,以测试他们的技能并进行无休止的合作. From concept to completion, 团队的梦想, design and build projects, including a concrete canoe, Baja off-road vehicle, clean snowmobile and 更多的. And they do it all on a deadline, racing to compete against other colleges and universities, both regionally and nationally.

esball国际平台客户端 University’s SPEED teams have proved competitive for decades, holding their own against much bigger universities and budgets. 他们是怎么做到的? 有时, 真的是 更多的. 他们将实践教育的理念付诸实践,并在优等生中竞争.

Three female students collaborating around a desk.

Synergistic Support

从大学的第一年/学院过渡服务到强大的校友网络, esball国际平台客户端 provides unmatched support.

  • Student Success Center 员工和资源帮助所有学生在esball国际平台客户端和超越茁壮成长.
  • Parker Career Center 通过严格的职业准备和强健的体魄,了解是什么激励和支持你的职业抱负, multifaceted support. 事实上, 98% of esball国际平台客户端 grads found placement in their chosen field within six months of their graduation. That may be because real work experience is all but guaranteed; 100% of esball国际平台客户端 students have at least one internship, 合作社, 或专业, research or capstone experience. 2023届四年制毕业生的起薪将超过10万美元, with an average starting salary of over $71,700.
  • esball国际平台客户端的毕业生在就业市场上持续繁荣的原因已经不是什么秘密了:支持 46,000+ 校友 Network that thrives on hiring similar talent. 来自全国各地的数百名招聘人员每年两次聚集在纽约北部的小校园,寻找他们的下一个雇员.

esball国际平台客户端 also offers immersive learning-living communities. 几乎所有的本科生都住在波茨坦占地640英亩、树木繁茂、临河的校园里, 纽约. Students who earn the Solinsky Scholarship 可以通过大学最新的生活学习社区沉浸在与工程和制造业相关的一切中,以满足他们的学术需求, social and personal needs. In addition to living with those with similar interests, 索林斯基学者定期与库尔特工程与应用科学学院院长会面, 接受个性化的学术和职业指导,并获得优先访问 esball国际平台客户端’s Makerspace.


敏捷, Industry-Relevant Credentials当前位置esball国际平台客户端以确保雇主年复一年地忠实招聘适合行业的毕业生而闻名. While classroom studies stress the importance of hands-on learning, esball国际平台客户端提供微证书/短期课程目录,加速个人和职业成功. From business to advanced technology, courses cover the knowledge, 行业合作伙伴一直将技能和经验列为任何希望从第一天起脱颖而出并成为重要组织资产的候选人的必备技能和经验.

研究esball国际平台客户端是一所全国公认的研究型大学,因为它有充满活力的教师和学者. Through multiple centers funded by private industry, 纽约 state and the federal government, 本科生和esball国际app经常为解决世界上一些最紧迫的问题做出贡献. esball国际平台客户端荣誉 从开学前的夏天开始,学生们可以在实验室获得额外的时间.

Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP)
Center for Identification Technology 研究 (CITeR)
Center for Air and Aquatic Resources Engineering and Sciences (CAARES)
Center for Rehabilitation Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST)
Assisted Intelligent Device Fabrication Facility (AIDFab) 
Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory (ASTRO Lab)

All in On Excellence

What’s the story behind esball国际平台客户端’s successful outcomes? Data. 的 recent statistics on this page only further emphasize esball国际平台客户端 is 工程.

esball国际平台客户端 is all in on excellence – are you? 学习如何 esball国际平台客户端 可以帮助你加速你的成功,同时使你从其他工程和STEM项目的毕业生中脱颖而出. Better yet, see innovation in action by visiting the campus.

据报道,2023届四年制学位毕业生的起薪将超过100美元,000K with an average early career salary of $71,700.
4,300+  internship and 合作社 opportunities

19,000+ jobs posted in esball国际平台客户端's student portal
250+ clubs and organizations
13 competitive SPEED teams